Netflix has announced that the highly anticipated sci-fi mystery anime series based on Naoki Urasawa’s manga, Pluto Anime, will be available to stream on the platform later this year. The upcoming anime, produced by GENCO and animated by M2STUDIO, is a fresh interpretation of the story arc from Osamu Tezuka’s Astro Boy series, “The Greatest Robot on Earth.”
Pluto Anime follows the Europol robot detective Gesicht, who sets out to investigate a string of mysterious murders involving both robots and humans. The show presents a powerful commentary on the futility of war, highlighting the message that there is suffering on both sides and that the only solution is peace. The series has been co-written by Takashi Nagasaki and supervised by Macoto Tezka, son of Osamu Tezuka, in collaboration with Tezuka Productions.
New Trailer Released
Accompanying the announcement was a new trailer for the upcoming anime, which reveals some of the characters and the stunning animation style. The trailer also previews the voice actors for some of the characters, including Shinshu Fuji, Yoko Hikasa, and Minori Suzuki, who will voice the characters of Face, Atom, and Uran, respectively.
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Osamu Tezuka: The Father and God of Manga
Osamu Tezuka, who is often referred to as the father and god of manga, is one of the most prominent manga artists in Japan. He is widely recognized for his enormous influence on the manga and anime industry, and his work is compared to that of Walt Disney. Tezuka’s Astro Boy series is a classic in the genre, and Pluto Anime takes inspiration from the story arc, “The Greatest Robot on Earth.”
Pluto Anime‘s manga adaptation, Pluto: Urasawa x Tezuka, has been a critical and commercial success, receiving numerous awards, including the Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize. The series has sold over 8.5 million copies worldwide, and its popularity has led to the development of an anime adaptation.
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A Great Year for Sci-Fi Pluto Anime
This year is shaping up to be a great year for sci-fi anime, with several beloved classics making a comeback, including Rumiko Takahashi’s Urusei Yatsura, Psycho-Pass Providence, and Trigun Stampede. There are also several new titles to look forward to, such as Dr. Stone New World, Edens Zero, Heavenly Delusion, and Kyūri Yamada’s AI no Idenshi.
The upcoming Pluto Anime promises to be a must-watch for sci-fi and anime enthusiasts alike, with its powerful commentary on the futility of war and stunning animation style. With a talented cast of voice actors and a supervising team that includes Tezuka’s own son, the series is sure to live up to the high expectations set by its source material. Fans of the manga, as well as newcomers to the series, have a lot to look forward to in 2023.
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